
Welcome to Ikea.js

Assemble UI components using JavaScript, just like assembling furniture from IKEA.

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About Ikea.js

Ikea.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that lets you build UI components in a modular fashion, similar to how you would assemble furniture from IKEA. Its simplicity and ease of use make it a great choice for developers looking to quickly put together UI elements without the complexity of larger frameworks.

Example Code

// Example usage of Ikea.js to create a button
    text: 'Click Me!',
    onClick: () => alert('Button clicked!')

// Example usage of Ikea.js to create a div
    children: [
        'This is a div created with Ikea.js',
            text: 'Another Button',
            onClick: () => console.log('Another button clicked!')

How to Use Ikea.js

To start using Ikea.js, include the following script in your HTML:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/linuxfandudeguy/ikea.js@ikeajs0.3/ikea.min.js"></script>

Then, you can start assembling UI components using the provided functions. For example:

// Create a button
    text: 'My Ikea Button',
    onClick: () => alert('Hello, world!')

// Create a div with children elements
    children: [
        'Welcome to my Ikea.js app!',
            text: 'Click Me',
            onClick: () => alert('Button Clicked!')

Contact Us

Have any questions or need support? Reach out to us at this form and we'll be happy to assist you!